The Passion & Resurrection Narratives

Screen Shot 2013-04-25 at 11.40.51 AMThe Passion & Resurrection Narratives of Jesus is THE perfect Bible study to run during Lent! Having led this study, I can say that it drew me so much closer to Christ with a far more profound understanding of not only what he suffered for us but also what he accomplished with his glorious resurrection! While moldable, the general structure of the study is as follows:

Lesson 1—The Passion According to Mark: Mark 14–15
Lesson 2—The Passion According to Matthew: Matt 26–27
Lesson 3—The Passion According to Luke: Luke 22–23
Lesson 4—The Passion According to John: John 18–19
Lesson 5—The Resurrection According to Mark and Matthew: Mark 16, Matt 28
Lesson 6—The Resurrection According to Luke and John: Luke 24, John 20–21

– Ryan
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