“All the People Said Amen” – Matt Maher

Contemporary Christian Music artist, Matt Maher’s new live album is, in a word, excellent. With his own commentary throughout the tracks and excessive amounts of jamming, it’s just like being at one of his concerts.

On the track, “Turn Around,” a call to conversion is made quite clear: “All you’ve gotta do is turn around.” The Lord is always calling us toward His embrace. During a break in the song, Maher calls to mind the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32). The son who has run away with his father’s riches and in turn has lost everything, only has to return to the “property line” of his father’s home, to be greeted with open arms.

The Prodigal Son is a story we’ve all heard, but one we should never grow tired of hearing. I’ve encountered this story on a number of retreats, and I’ve always had a different experience. Sometimes I’m the foolish Prodigal Son, or sometimes I’m his jealous brother looking for some gratitude for all my hard work.  Who are you in the story? How is God calling you into His arms right now?

Take a listen. Preferably with the windows down in your car.

Learn more about Matt at mattmahermusic.org.

– Greg
Questions? Email me at CatholicVine@gmail.com!