Rediscover Catholicism

RC_front-flat_11Don’t you love purposeful gifts? Well for my birthday two years ago, a good friend of mine (a very good friend indeed!) gave me Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. Believe it or not I had never read a Catholic book before and really didn’t know what to expect from this one. Wow was I in for a pleasant surprise! This one book kindled the flame of my faith into a raging fire. Pardon the cliche, but this book seriously changed my life. I was informed, I was enabled, but most importantly my eyes had been opened to the multitude of reasons to be PROUD to be Catholic! There was no going back for me, and from that point on I have been in a full-out sprint towards Christ (which is a good thing!). While I was surprised, perhaps I shouldn’t have been, there clearly is a reason why this book is quickly becoming one of the most popular Catholic books of our time. This book is valuable no matter how old you are or wherever you think that you are in your faith journey. Think you have it all figured out? I challenge you to read this book and tell me that it didn’t fan the flame in your heart. Raised Catholic but still don’t know what it’s all about? This book is also for you.

Another cool thing? You can get a copy for free (+s&h) from Matthew Kelly’s website here! Get going!

– Ryan
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