The Team


When I started college, I was welcomed with open arms into my Catholic community and immediately invited to share my gifts and talents. In 1 Timothy, 4:12, Timothy writes, “Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.” To set an example is how I strive to be a witness to others. For me, music became prayer at Mass where I played guitar and sang for my campus ministry’s folk group. And film became discovery of the faith when I was blessed to work for my diocese producing videos for youth and young adult ministries. By striving to be an example, I found my voice and my identity through the Church.

The path toward holiness, however, is not always simple. We need tools to cultivate our gifts and talents, we need community to build, support, and challenge us,  and we need to keep our eyes oriented toward Christ. I am excited to share with you the ways that I have found to integrate scripture, music, film, and more into my life as a Christian. No matter where you are on your journey, Ryan and I hope that this website serves as a way to keep you constantly rooted and growing in Christ. Twitter: @ToBeSurprised


It started with a question that was posed to me during my freshman year of college, “Why do you believe that?”

In trying to answer that one question I realized how little I knew about the Catholic faith I had been raised in since birth. Sure, I went to Mass on Sundays, attended all of my CCD classes, had been confirmed in the faith, but when had it really become my own? It hadn’t, but it was about to. It was time to go back to the basics. Who is God? What has Jesus done for us? Why have I always felt called by him? These questions led to more questions and more questions, but then I realized something amazing…there are answers!

As Jesus prayed in John 17:3 “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Suddenly I was fueled by this truth and I sought for God with all of my heart! And as we know from Matthew 7:7, “Seek and you will find.” I have always had a knack for navigating the internet, but nothing had prepared me for the wealth of resources I would find, or the transformation that this truth would perform in my heart. I have encountered countless people along my journey who have asked the same questions as me, but didn’t know where to look for answers. Over time I have come to understand that the Church at large is suffering from this very problem. It is my sincere prayer that by sharing the resources that Greg and I have found (and are still finding) along our journeys, you too will find the answers to your questions, come to know Him, and bear much fruit. Twitter: @RyanFerrera

Resources to educate and equip the modern-day Christian.